Starting docker in rails 7.1 with a separate MySQL container
Setting Up MySQL
Pull the MySQL image:
docker pull mysql/mysql-server
Run the MySQL container:
docker run -it -d \ --name=mysql_container \ -p 3307:3306 \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% \ mysql/mysql-server \ --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
- Explanation:
- -it: Run in interactive.
- -d: Run the container in the background.
- –name=mysql_container: Name the container for easier management.
- -p 3307:3306: Map the container port 3306 (MySQL) to host port 3307.
- -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password: Set the root password for the MySQL user.
- -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=%: Allow connections from any host.
- –default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password: Use the traditional password authentication plugin.
- Explanation:
Get the container’s IP Address:
docker inspect mysql_container | grep IPAddress
This will display the container’s IP address, which will be used later.
Set environment variables:
export DATABASE_URL='mysql2://root:password@<container_ip>/<db_name>:3306?encoding=utf8mb4' export RAILS_MASTER_KEY=<rails_master_key>
- Replace
with the IP address obtained in the previous step. - Replace
with the name of the database you want to use. - Replace
with the master key fromconfig/master.key
- Replace
Running project
Build the project image:
docker-compose build -t <rails_app> .
- Replace
with the name you want to give to the image. - This will build the image using the Dockerfile.
- Replace
Run the project container:
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 --name=<rails_app_container> \ -e DATABASE_URL=$DATABASE_URL \ -e RAILS_MASTER_KEY=$RAILS_MASTER_KEY \ <rails_app>
- Replace
with the name you want to give to the container. - Replace
with the name of the image you built in the previous step. - Explanation:
- –rm: Remove the container when it stops.
- -it: Run in interactive.
- -p 3000:3000: Map the container port 3000 (Rails) to host port 3000.
- -e DATABASE_URL=$DATABASE_URL: Set the database URL environment variable.
- -e RAILS_MASTER_KEY=$RAILS_MASTER_KEY: Set the Rails master key environment variable.
- Replace
View MySQL container logs:
docker logs mysql_container
Enter the MySQL container:
docker exec -it mysql_container bash
- This will open a bash shell inside the container.
- You can then run
mysql -u root -p
to enter the MySQL command line. - Use
to leave the container.
Controlling the MySQL container
Stop the container:
docker stop mysql_container
Start the container:
docker start mysql_container
Remove the container:
docker rm mysql_container
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